Börsen 26 april 2024


Magnificent Seven  

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia and Tesla have added a collective $686 billion in market value on the week.

MarketWatch 26 April 2024

Oscar Properties. Oscar Engelbert ensam kvar. Aktien kollapsar.

Förre finansmarknadsministern Peter Norman hoppar av Oscar Properties. Pengarna är nästan slut och, och bara entreprenören Oscar Engelbert är ensam kvar. Aktien kollapsar.

Vid 11-tiden hade nedgången begränsats till cirka 20 procent och kursen var 34 öre. Det kan jämföras med att aktien kostade 700 kronor när Oscar Properties stod på topp 2017.

Johan Hellekant SvD 26 april 2024



Den förra vd:n, grundaren Oscar Engelbert, sålde 12,4 procent av Oscar Properties för drygt 300 miljoner kronor vid aktiekursens kulmen våren 2017.


Huspriser SE

Here’s the bad news:

Unfavorable base effects now mean that you’d need monthly core PCE reports of under 0.2% for the rest of the year to meet the Fed’s year-end forecast for 2.6%. 

Bonds och räntor (englundmacro.blogspot.com)

US long-range missiles to Ukraine reignites German debate

The US weapons system, called Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), has a range of up to 300 kilometers.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, along with the majority of German lawmakers, have repeatedly refused to send Ukraine long-range Taurus weapons system, arguing that doing so would bring Germany into direct conflict with Russia. 

An unnamed senior US defense official on Thursday told reporters that delivering Taurus was up to Germany, but that given the US decision on supplying ATACMS, and similar decisions in London and Paris to provide long-range cruise missiles, "we would certainly hope that this could be a factor," on persuading Germany to change its mind. 

'It's time' to send Taurus to Ukraine, says CDU opposition


Ukraine’s agriculture minister detained in a crackdown on corruption

The Supreme Court chief was detained in May 2023

Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, who supported Zelenskiy during an election campaign in 2019, is suspected of the embezzlement and has been in a detention center since September.

Ukraine’s agriculture minister detained in a crackdown on corruption (englundmacro.blogspot.com)

Europe risks dying - Macron

Mr Macron's speech was billed as the follow-up to his landmark 2017 Sorbonne speech when, not long after taking office, he first urged the European Union to move towards greater self-sufficiency in defence and the economy.

 US Bond Yields


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Börsen 25 april 2024



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