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Price level and inflation rate

    While Trump and team need to realize that inflation and the debt and deficits are going to be the true problem. The bond market and even the Federal Reserve seem to realize that. It is now 50–50 whether we even get a rate cut in December.  Inflation is not dead. It won’t be long before inflation is Trump’s problem. Just saying… John Mauldin 15 November 2024 Prisnivån Price Level talas det inte mycket om. De flesta kommenterar om KPI/CPI stigit med 0,2 eller 0,3 Englund blogg 31 maj 2024 Tillbaka till Rolfs länktips 16-17 November 2024

Food and energy prices aren’t the focus at Jackson Hole

because central banks cannot control them, but are very much the focus for consumers.  The shock to these prices in the first two years of the Biden administration was the worst since the tail-end of the 1970s.  This is what has happened to the official index of food prices, on a log scale, since 1950: Longer Term: What About Fiscal Policy? Absent from all of these debates is fiscal policy.  The bond market might rebel even before the election as it becomes clear that both candidates are advocating policies that would directly widen the deficit.  John Authers Bloomberg 19 August 2024

Consumer sentiment decline is notable - Price level

“The speed and magnitude of the decline is notable with this spread making all-time lows going back to the early 1980s.   “Instead, we believe we are dealing with an unbalanced economy of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots.’” The cause is simple enough — while inflation may be receding, price levels are not, MarketWatch 17 June 2024 Prisnivån Price Level talas det inte mycket om. De flesta kommenterar om KPI/CPI stigit med 0,2 eller 0,3 Om inflation för de flesta betyder ”betalar jag mer för saker än jag brukade göra?”, upplevs den som hög även när priserna faller.  Som David Axelrod, chefsstrateg för Barack Obamas presidentkampanjer, konstaterar i WSJ-artikeln: det som räknas är hur människor uppfattar ekonomin.  Och Kate Bedingfield, tidigare...

Prisnivån Price Level talas det inte mycket om. De flesta kommenterar om KPI/CPI stigit med 0,2 eller 0,3

  Inflationen sjunker, vilket gläder ekonomer. Prisnivån stiger, vilket bekymrar alla andra.