Rolfs länktips 11 Februari 2025


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At work, a quiet AI revolution is under way

On a recent flight to France, I got talking to the woman next to me and ChatGPT came up. She said she now used the chatbot to write the majority of her correspondence with colleagues and customers.

She explained that writing had never been her strong point, and the app was able to generate text that captured what she wanted to say better than she could.  

While companies explore how to leverage generative AI in ways that are profitable and transformative, a quiet revolution is already under way among their staff.  

Company executives appear to underestimate how extensively their employees are using the technology.

Sam Joiner Financial Times 11 February 2025

Donald Trumps bisarra infall om Gaza

Men Trump föreslår åtminstone något helt annat än att göra ännu ett försök att få upp världspolitikens hårdaste knut med de metoder som redan har misslyckats.

EU 200 miljarder euro i satsning på AI-teknik
ny europeisk fond på 20 miljarder euro 

EU-ledarna  Nästan alla pläderar fortfarande för 
nya, gemensamma lån 

Slutnotan väntas landa på mellan 18 och 26 miljarder kronor 
jämfört med prognosen om 2,6 miljarder kronor.
Riksrevisionen hård kritik mot skatteanstånden

His language was strong: Protecting steel and aluminum is a must, and I’m simplifying our tariffs on steel and aluminum so everyone can understand what it means. 

It’s 25% without exceptions or exemptions, and that’s all countries no matter where it comes from.

They don’t take effect until March 12. 

Should markets again treat this as little more than teeth-baring, or is the wolf going to bite this time? 

John Authers Bloomberg 11 February 2025

Summers Sees Inflation-Breakout Risk

Små rörelser på Wall Street

Stockholmsbörsen vände upp

Dagen innan

Mest lästa inlägg 

Oväntat kraftigt lyft för inflationen; steg till 2,2 procent; 

Analytiker hade räknat med en ökning till 1,6 procent

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