
Visar inlägg med etiketten Chatbot

Will the bubble burst for AI in 2025, or ...

  will it start to deliver? The disparity between investor enthusiasm and business reality looks untenable For end users of AI, a different kind of struggle is under way, as individuals and companies try to work out how best to use the technology.  Much use of AI is in secret, as workers use it to streamline tasks such as rewriting text or generating reports.  Employees may worry that if they admit to using AI to get things done more quickly, bosses will give them more work to do, or take this as a signal that fewer workers are needed.  Rachana Shanbhogue The Economist 20 November 2024 Tillbaka till Rolfs länktips 23-24 november 2024

OpenAI’s Complex Path to Becoming a For-Profit Company

OpenAI’s plan to convert to a for-profit company is meant to simplify the world’s leading artificial-intelligence startup.  Making that happen will be enormously complex.  The ChatGPT maker is in the midst of raising $6.5 billion from backers including Microsoft,  Nvidia, along with venture-capital firms and a United Arab Emirates state-backed company.  An essential provision of talks is that OpenAI, currently governed by a charitable nonprofit, must within two years become a public-benefit corporation.  That means its mission is to earn a profit while creating social good.  If it doesn’t, investors could take back their money. Wall Street Journal 29 September 2024 What Is ChatGPT? What to Know About the AI Chatbot Tillbaka till Wall Street och Stockholm 28-29 september 2024 https://e...

Letter from the editor on generative AI and the FT

Generative AI is the most significant new technology since the advent of the internet.  It is developing at breakneck speed and its applications, and implications, are still emerging.  Generative AI models learn from huge amounts of published data, including books, publications, Wikipedia and social media sites, to predict the most likely next word in a sentence.  Every technology opens exciting new frontiers that must be responsibly explored. But as recent history has shown, the excitement must be accompanied by caution over the risk of misinformation and the corruption of the truth. The FT will remain committed to its fundamental mission and will keep readers informed as generative AI itself and our thinking on it evolve.  FT 26 May 2023

Rolf Englund om Löntagarfonderna 1975 i Svensk Tidskrift

 Den artikeln hade jag glömt. Återfanns i dag med hjälp av Bing

I 25 år har vi levt med sökmotorn Google. Det här är Google 2.0.

 För någon månad sedan frågade min mamma om jag kunde hjälpa till att besvara ett formellt brev på engelska. Det som skulle ta henne någon timme kunde jag som van skribent lösa på 20 minuter, tänkte hon. I själva verket tog det en minut. Jag testade att klistra in mejlet som hon fått i Chat GPT och förklarade i ett par punkter hur det skulle besvaras. ”Skriv i vänlig stil”, avslutade jag instruktionen. Förslaget från AI-roboten kom inom några sekunder. Det var i det närmaste felfritt. Där fanns även en artig hänvisning till att brevskrivaren precis blivit mamma – och en förstående formulering om hur detta påverkade hennes möjligheter att klara en deadline. Att det är ett slags omvälvning kan vi utgå ifrån. Vi har nu tillgång till hjälpmedel som – redan i dag – presterar ungefär lika väl på en tenta i biologi, kemi och juridik som en toppstudent. Peter Wolodarski DN 9 april 2023

The Cassandras are out in force claiming artificial intelligence will be the end of mankind. They have a very good point.

It is not every day that I read a prediction of doom as arresting as Eliezer Yudkowsky’s in Time magazine last week. “The most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances,” he wrote, “is that literally everyone on Earth will die. The debate we are having today is about a particular branch of AI: the large language models (LLMs) produced by organizations such as OpenAI, notably ChatGPT and its more powerful successor GPT-4. We are already well on our way to Raskolnikov's nightmare at the end of Crime and Punishment, in which humanity goes collectively mad and descends into internecine slaughter.  If you still cannot foresee how GPT-4 will be used in 2024 to “flood the zone” with deepfake content, then I suggest you email Eliezer Yudkowsky. But just make sure it’s really him who replies. Niall Ferguson Bloomberg 9 april 2023

Microsoft AI och Englund om Martin Wolf “The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism”

 AI The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism by Martin Wolf is a book that examines the challenges and threats facing the liberal order that has shaped the world since the end of World War II.  Wolf argues that capitalism and democracy are interdependent and mutually reinforcing, but also fragile and prone to crises. He analyzes the causes and consequences of the financial crash of 2008, the rise of populism and authoritarianism, the erosion of trust and social cohesion, and the geopolitical tensions with China and Russia. He also offers some possible solutions and reforms to restore the balance and vitality of democratic capitalism, such as strengthening competition, regulation, taxation, public investment, social protection, and international cooperation. Englund Englund: Martin Wolf “The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism” Årets viktigaste bok (eng

Such is the Gen Z zeitgeist

 “You’re always hearing the world is filled with opportunity,” one student told me last semester. “And then you turn around and there are layoffs everywhere, and everyone is saying AI is going to make us all obsolete.”  She confessed there were days she wished she could crawl under her covers to escape the static and ambiguity of it all, not to mention—as she also did—the threats of global warming and nuclear war. The boomer and Generation X. They have, like me, ridden out a recession or two, lived through 9/11, survived the internet changing everything, seen the other side of the financial meltdown of 2008, and absorbed the personal losses, agonies and crises that punctuate any life. We are the “life goes on, it always does” crew Even though your parents tried for you, no one gets a perfect life, let alone a normal one. As you get older—and yes, you will all get older—all you can really hope for is good health and a meaningful life. Suzy Welch WSJ 22 March 2023

What Is ChatGPT? What to Know About the AI Chatbot

Bill Gates: Utvecklingen av AI är lika fundamental som skapandet av mikroprocessorn, persondatorn, internet och mobiltelefonen DPS  22  March 2023 Bill Gates says AI is only the second revolutionary tech advancement in his lifetime says development of artificial intelligence will be as fundamental as the PC or the internet MarketWatch 21 March 2023 What Is ChatGPT? What to Know About the AI Chatbot OpenAI’s chatbot and Microsoft’s conversational Bing have triggered a new AI race that may reshape the future of work WSJ 17 March 2023 Every so often a technology captures the world’s imagination.  The latest example, judging by the chatter in Silicon Valley, on Wall Street, in corner offices, newsrooms and classroo...