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Vad vill egentligen de borgerliga väljarna med Europapolitiken?

Bild Och vad bör de borgerliga partierna göra för att slippa en swexit-debatt? I Varning för Swexit! djupdyker Carl Albinsson i den borgerliga EU-opinionen. Det duger inte längre att luta sig mot gamla sanningar och tomma slagord. Det behövs en ny borgerlig offensiv i EU-frågorna. Carl Albinsson arbetade 2023 som EU-ansvarig på Timbro och har bakgrund i Moderaterna, bland annat som politisk tjänsteman i Bryssel. Anders Borg: In fact, federalism is probably the single greatest threat to the future of the EU.    European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has called for more federalism – for more power to be delegated to the EU’s governing institutions. I consider Juncker a close friend, but I strongly disagree with him about this idea. Nu måste Sverige utma...

What led to the downfall of the Roman Empire?  Niall Ferguson, Western Civilisation: Decline – or Fall? The Roman Empire did not decline and fall over a millennium, as Gibbon's monumental work seemed to suggest. Akvedukten vid Zaghouan Only in art and lore was Rome suddenly sacked by barbarians who appeared out of nowhere  Here comes Kyle Harper, professor of classics at Oklahoma university, with a delicious new theory.  It wasn’t just lusty emperors and barbarian vandals who brought down the Empire, he says. It was climate change, solar cycles, volcanoes and rampaging plague that conspired to destroy the biggest imperial project the world has ever seen. The weather deteriorated in 150–400 AD — the ‘Roman Transitional Period’ — and hit temperature lows in the ‘Late Antique L...

The manual for handling plagues dates at least to Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor who was eventually killed by an epidemic.

While wealthy Romans fled to their villas, Aurelius stayed in the capital and led by example. Aurelius took advice and empowered qualified people to lead. The Roman emperor spread the burden of fighting the pestilence among classes. He raised taxes on Rome’s aristocracy, sold his own imperial luxuries and paid for the funerals of ordinary people.  “Never will so many ask so much of so few,” Mr Varadkar said. Hospital staff battling an invisible enemy are the equivalent of the second world war pilots fighting the Luftwaffe.  Which role will Mr Trump play? At the moment he is hovering between Marshal Philippe Pétain and General Charles de Gaulle. Let us hope he knows enough history to choose. Edward Luce FT 19 March 2020 The Fate of Rome is the first book to examine the catastrophic role that climate change and infectious diseases played in the collapse of Rome's power--a story of nature's triumph over human ambition.

Europas ministrar ritar om kartan

Föreställningen att riktiga statsmän ritar om kartan är en av orsakerna till att EEC via EG och EU är på väg att bli Europas Förensta Stater, ett nytt romerskt rike där tidigare självständiga stater blir provinser. Här ett exempel ur historien Läs mer här EU och Rom Rom-fördraget, heter det ju.

EU Roman Empire, Lundgren, Wolf och Englund

The Roman empire divided irretrievably. Yet the dream of reunification never died. It was apparent in the claims of popes and “holy Roman emperors”. It was carried by Napoleon’s eagles. It is the aspiration embedded in the European Union. Martin Wolf, Financial Times, November 15, 2011 De första provinsguvernörerna har redan installerats i Grekland och Italien. Rolf Englund blog 14 november 2011 EU; 25 lydstater under ett fransktyskt protektorat Nils Lundgren 5 november 2011