
Visar inlägg med etiketten the economist

What to read to understand the roots of money

The Economist  8 May 2023

The A to Z of economics

Economic terms, from “absolute advantage” to “zero-sum game”, explained to you in plain English The Economist  

The Economist: How the state could take control of the banking system

Banks are inherently unstable. By May 1st the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (fdic) will produce a menu of options for Congress about how to reform or expand the backstop the regulator provides, which is currently capped at $250,000 per depositor. Many blame the limit for the run which brought down Silicon Valley Bank (svb). Banks are inherently unstable. They offer deposits that are instantaneously redeemable while holding long-dated, illiquid assets such as mortgages and business loans.  The mismatch means even well-managed institutions are vulnerable to a run that might be sparked by a misunderstanding. The fragility of banks is matched by severe consequences if they fail: runs tend to be contagious events that can cause credit crunches and recessions. Despite the danger banks pose, governments tolerate their existence. The transformation of liquidity and maturity is thought to enable a greater provision of credit and faster economic growth than would be possible under th...

The Economist, The Merkel Memorandum och Plan B

Jag har läst The Economist i ungefär 50 år sedan jag fann den i tidskriftsrummet ovanpå Atén på Akademiska Föreningen i Lund, kaféet där jag tillbringade en stor del av min tid i Lund. Nästan alltid har jag funnit att The Economist på ett elegant och klart sätt har formulerat mina egna grumliga tankar. Några gånger har jag funnit att The Economist och jag varit oense. Det sår onekligen otrevliga tvivel om ens eget omdöme. Ett sådant tillfälle var när The Economist i en ledare den 17 september 2011 skrev att "Few people, least of all this newspaper, want either vast intervention in financial markets or a big shift of national sovereignty to Europe. It is just that the alternatives are far worse". - It will involve new treaties and approval by parliaments and voters. This is not what they were promised when the euro was set up. Completely true, and sadly irrelevant. economist2011sept17   Tidningen återkom med senare med slutsatsen att "A limited version of ...