Wolfgang Münchau: After 17 years, this will be my final column for this newspaper /FT/
I find insider-outsider classification more useful than, let us say, establishment versus anti-establishment, or liberalism versus populism. I do not believe that populism will endure. But the rules-based multilateral order is crumbling for reasons that have nothing to do with populism. Many traditional power centres of our democracies — centrist political parties, the mainstream media, some industries — are oligopolies under siege for a reason. After 17 years, this will be my final column for this newspaper. Wolfgang Münchau FT 27 September 2020 https://www.ft.com/content/df167ea5-4750-444e-82ff-0f44b09e72be You know where to find me. The author is director of www.eurointelligence.com https://www.eurointelligence.com