
Visar inlägg med etiketten virus

Bird Flu in Cows Is a Slow-Motion Disaster

Georgia didn’t invent this fast response. There was a checklist to follow: the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 224-page Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Response Plan, known as the Red Book.  For 15 years, the Red Book has laid out how to detect bird flu, cull affected birds and prevent further spread. Unfortunately, bird flu is no longer confined to birds. Last March it was identified in cows for the first time. Scientists have long considered bird flu, or H5N1, a leading candidate for causing a human pandemic. New York Times 20 February 2025 Bird Flu - Fågelvirus

First Cows, Now Cats. Is Bird Flu Coming for Humans Next?

With so much H5N1 virus circulating across the U.S., scientists worry we are a few mutations away from a potential human pandemic Wall Street Journal 17 February 2025 Bird Flu - Fågelvirus Tillbaka till Rolfs länktips 18 Februari 2025

How Worried Should You Be About Bird Flu?

  A second strain of H5N1 avian flu was recently detected among dairy cows in Nevada, a sign that the outbreak could be harder to rein in than previously thought.  A Nevada dairy worker exposed to infected cows also tested positive for the strain, federal health officials said. The new variant of H5N1 bird flu is distinct from the strain previously spreading in U.S. cows, but it has been circulating broadly in wild birds in North America. The variant previously detected in dairy herds is known as B3.13. Herds across 16 states have been infected, and this variant has been responsible for most human cases.  The recent H5N1 infections among cattle and the dairy worker in Nevada were caused by the D1.1 genotype.  That same variant in 2024 likely infected some 15 people in five states, the CDC said. Most cases in people have been mild, regardless of the variant.  Wall Street Journal 11 February 2025

Bird Flu - Fågelvirus

  US egg prices are soaring to record highs as farmers are forced to slaughter millions of chickens  in an attempt to halt the spread of bird flu, which has ripped through the nation’s poultry barns in recent months. “While bird flu has come and gone in waves over the past few years, this current outbreak is the most severe yet, with no signs of slowing,”  Financial Times 12 February 2025 Bird Flu Pandemic - Fågelvirusinfluensa - and other pandemics Så ska forskare skapa supervaccin mot influensa – Om man lyckas utveckla ett vaccin som ger ett bredare skydd inkluderar det även virus man inte träffat på tidigare, däribland virus som kan komma att orsaka pandemier, säger Hélène Englund, epidemiolog vid Folkhälsomyndigheten. DN 26 augusti 2014 Svininfluensan går nu in i sin värsta fas. Minst...

Wall Street och Stockholm 15 Augusti 2024 - Mpoxpatient i Sverige – första utanför Afrika

  Mpoxpatient i Sverige – första utanför Afrika Det första fallet av sjukdomen mpox av den mer allvarliga varianten har konstaterats i Sverige, meddelar socialminister Jakob Forssmed (KD) på en pressträff på torsdagen. Det är det första fallet utanför Afrika. ”Det är förstås någonting vi tar på allvar”, säger Forssmed. DI 15 augusti 2024, 18:02 Ett fall av mpox klad I rapporterat i Sverige — Folkhälsomyndigheten ( The Sky is the limit S&P 500 erases August losses as ‘irrational recession fears’ fade - MarketWatch New York-börserna steg och såväl S&P 500 som Nasdaq  raderade ut hela augustiraset Men räntorna steg 10 Y 10 Y 3m I takt med att räntorna steg sjönk också förväntningarna på att Fed ska leverera så pass stora och snabba sänkningar som marknaden prisat in de senaste veckorna. N...

Wall Street och Stockholm 14 Augusti 2024 Inlationssiffror, WHO Calls Mpox a Global Health Emergency

  De ledande börserna i USA bjöd på en svag stängning  efter en velig onsdagshandel. WHO Calls Mpox a Global Health Emergency Now a mutated strain of mpox has spread to at least six African countries, infecting about 15,000 people and killing more than 500 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo this year alone.  The variant was first reported in the DRC less than 12 months ago. A public health emergency of international concern applies to an extraordinary event that carries a risk via the spread of a disease across borders — one that potentially requires a coordinated response. – Folkhälsomyndigheten följer och bevakar kontinuerligt det epidemiologiska läget, både i Sverige och internationellt.  Mpox är sedan tidigare klassad som en allmänfarlig sjukdo...

Start Mass Testing Dairy Workers for Bird Flu

H5N1 has spread stealthily among cows. Could it also be spreading silently in humans? Given how devastating another global pandemic would be, the US should start mass testing of dairy workers for the bird flu virus that’s spreading fast through cows.  If necessary, either the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the US Department of Agriculture should pay people to get tested. The USDA’s recent call to test more cows isn’t going far enough. This week, scientists announced they’d found viral fragments in milk on supermarket shelves, with an alarming 58 of 150 samples testing positive.  Scientists initially thought that milk from infected cows was always thick and discolored, but these results show it can look deceptively normal. Bloomberg 26 april 2024 at 15:00 CEST Bird Flu More than 40 countries across Europe, Asia and Africa have seen outbreaks https://en...

Bird Flu More than 40 countries across Europe, Asia and Africa have seen outbreaks

It’s threatening to drive food prices, which are near record levels, even higher and boost costs for households that are already suffering from surging prices for other commodities.  Bloomberg 11 december 2021 A bird flu called H7N9 The World Is Not Ready for the Next Pandemic Time Magazine, 4 May 2017 Polio upptäckt i avloppsvatten: ”Lokala utbrott kan få stora följder” Expressen TV 12 augusti 2022  

COVID, black swans and gray rhinos

“black swan,” used to describe high-profile, but hard-to-predict and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectations The phrase is sometimes used to describe the economic meltdown of 2008. Because of their character, it is suggested there’s not much we can do to avert them. Yet a recent article in the world’s best magazine, The Economist of London, challenges the focus of many pundits and analysts on black swans. “This kind of thinking makes things worse by encouraging fatalism, rejecting accountability, and giving the nod to short-termism and willful ignorance.”  We should be thinking more, The Economist suggests, about “gray rhinos.” In the world of government and policy, gray rhinos are “highly likely, high-impact risks that are a matter of when, not if,” the article states. Gray rhinos are a “metaphor for missing the big, obvious thing that’s coming at you.” Nicholas Nassim Ta...

Plötsligt fall på världens börser – Stockholmsbörsen på minus

Fallet tilltog strax innan klockan 16 när Wall Street vände nedåt.  OMXSPI gick från att vara upp drygt 0,3 procent vid 15.30 till att nu handlas ned drygt 1 procent. Maria Van Kerkhove, teknisk chef på WHO, konstaterar samtidigt att det fortfarande är för tidigt att dra några slutsatser kring hur allvarlig sjukdom de som smittas drabbas av.  Tidiga rapporter har indikerat milda symptom, men de slutsatserna har enligt WHO-toppen baserats på klusterutbrott bland universitetsstudenter som tenderar att vara unga och friska. DI 3 december 2021

How Covid Shook the World’s Economy By Adam Tooze

 Tooze leaves the reader with a clear sense of foreboding: about our preparedness for the next crisis, and about its imminence. It’s a warning we should take seriously. Tooze’s implication is clear: The West has no systematic ability to prevent or effectively fight large-scale crises. Our political systems are broken by cultural division and, in Tooze’s view, hamstrung by outmoded economic principles. Robert E. Rubin, Treasury secretary from 1995 to 1999, New York Times 3 September 2021 When liquidity is flushed indiscriminately into the financial system, it inflates bubbles, generating new risks and outsize gains for those with substantial portfolios. Adam Tooze New York Times 1 September 2021  Committee To Save The World That was the famous 1998 Time Magazine cover featuring Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers, and Robert Rubin, t...

Coronavirus, what lessons have we learned? The central bankers were to rescue financial markets from melting down

But governments’ and central banks’ success in holding the world’s financial system together is contributing in the long run to inequality and social polarization.  It was tempting to imagine that some common threat — perhaps an alien invasion — might make a reality of the United Nations. The coronavirus, one might think, was precisely such an invasion. And yet faced with this common threat, cooperation failed. The development of Covid vaccines was a collective triumph of researchers, governments and businesses around the world. Mr. Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was the most successful of all.  Budget constraints don’t seem to exist; money is a mere technicality. The hard limits of financial sustainability, policed, we used to think, by ferocious bond markets, were blurred by the 2008 financial crisis. In 2020, they were erased. The world discovered that John Maynard Keynes was right when he declared during World War II that “anything we can actually do, we can afford.” The cen...

Most people cannot comprehend the prospect of catastrophic changes in their situation

 In his elegiac memoir The World of Yesterday, which he wrote while in exile from the Nazis, the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig observed that most people cannot comprehend the prospect of catastrophic changes in their situation.  Things can get incrementally worse for a long time without prompting a reaction. Once catastrophe strikes, it is too late to act. Climate change-induced weather events are one obvious type of catastrophe. These could render uninhabitable large, densely populated parts of the planet, and it might already be impossible to avert large-scale population movements stemming from them. Climate scientists need to integrate their work with that of political scientists, and epidemiologists should do the same with economists. Analyzing the risks of catastrophe creates the obligation to act now. Diane Coyle Project Syndicate Aug 5, 2021 Diane Coyle, Pr...

Large swathes of the Continent will be in an incontrovertible fourth wave by the end of this month, before they are sufficiently vaccinated

Yet Europe’s internal borders remain wide open. The imperative of saving this year’s tourist season has paralysed political leaders. The ECB has been funding the entire budget deficits of the Latin bloc throughout the pandemic, drawing a veil over the underlying deterioration of sovereign debt profiles.  The Banco de España says Spain’s debt has jumped 30 percentage points to 125pc of GDP since Covid arrived. Portugal has hit 137pc. Italy is flirting with 160pc of GDP this year. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph 6 July 2021

Pressträff om covid-19, 29 april 2021

Klara och tydliga diagram

Tegnell: Tydligt att socioekonomi spelar stor roll

DN publicerade på måndagen en unik kartläggning om vilka det är som hittills har dött i covid-19 i Sverige. Låginkomsttagare, lågutbildade och utrikesfödda från vissa länder är starkt överrepresenterade bland de avlidna. Vi fick tidigt dessa signaler, till exempel att det var en stor dominans av utrikesfödda på Iva (intensivvården, reds anm). Det gällde framför allt personer födda i Mellanöstern och Afrikas horn.   Den enskilt viktigaste riskfaktorn för dödlighet i covid-19 är dock ålder. Skillnaderna i risk är påtagliga. Bara en promille av de döda, 16 personer, var under 30 år. De allra flesta döda, 72 procent, finns i åldersgruppen 80 år och äldre. – Ingen som jag har pratat med kan komma på någon sjukdom som är så extremt åldersberoende. DN 23 mars 2031

A second lost tourist season could result in another damaging lost decade for the likes of Spain, Italy and Portugal

Most of Italy is in lockdown again. France has imposed a disguised lockdown for another month in greater Paris, where critical care beds are saturated and the South African variant is nearing a tenth of cases. The variant is above 30pc in hotspots in western France. AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD Telegraph 19 March 2021

Helicopter money in another pandemic recession: Venice, 1630

FED alphabetti spagetti

  The US Treasury has decided not to extend several emergency lending facilities set up by the Federal Reserve at the start of the coronavirus pandemic FT 20 November 2020 Mnuchin’s Fed move is like stripping Titanic of its lifeboats, economist says

Coronavirus likely to become as ‘endemic’

as the flu and a vaccine might not be able to stop it, top UK scientist says CNBC OCT 20 2020 The threat of long economic Covid looms We know that many businesses have been hurt, as demand for their output collapsed or they were locked down. The second waves of the disease now crashing on to many economies will make this worse. As the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report shows In a crisis of this scale, there is only one entity able to act as both insurer and supporter of demand. Unfortunately, the capacity of governments to act varies hugely.  But those with globally accepted currencies have enormous room for manoeuvre.  Martin Wolf 20 October 2020