– Vi måste bli en verklig europeisk union, manar Italiens förre premiärminister Enrico Letta och Draghi

 – Jag säger inte att vi ska bli USA. USA är inte modellen. Men vi måste bli en verklig europeisk union.

 I dag är vi inte det.

SvD/TT 17 april 2024


Draghi says his report will propose radical change for EU

ROME, APR 16 - Italian ex-premier and former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said Tuesday that his upcoming report on boosting the EU's competitiveness will call for radical reforms. 

"We need a European Union that is fit for the world of today and tomorrow," Draghi said at a high-level conference on social rights in La Hulpe organised by the Belgian EU duty presidency. 

"What I propose in my report is a radical change: this is what we need". 

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen tasked Draghi with compiling proposals on how the EU's economy can face up to competition from China and the United States. 

The report is expected to come out in June.


Meloni says attack on right's freedom of speech in Brussels

Premier Giorgia Meloni said in a letter to the National Conservatism conference in Brussels Wednesday that was halted by a local mayor on public safety grounds Tuesday that this had been an attack on the rightwing parties' freedom of speech. 

The event at the Claridge venue was halted by police on the orders of the head of a Brussels municipality 


Vad vill egentligen de borgerliga väljarna med Europapolitiken?



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