Är Stabilitetspakten Stupid? Olli Rehn, Prodi och Persson

Olli Rehn, EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs: "The stability and growth pact is not stupid"

"The pact entails considerable scope for judgment when it comes to its application."
"While fiscal consolidation is unavoidable and structural reforms the key to growth in the medium-term, active public policies to promote sustainable growth are equally important," he said.

Telegraph 5 May 2012

When the euro was born everyone knew that sooner or later a crisis would occur. It was also clear that the stability and growth pact was – as I have said before – “stupid”

Romano Prodi FT May 20 2010

Romano Prodi, Commission president from 1999 to 2004, asserted in October 2002 that the stability pact was “stupid” because it provided for sanctions on countries already in financial difficulties.

“He’s an honest man, dedicated to European integration. His heart is in the right place. But we felt straightaway that he shouldn’t have said that,” says one former commissioner.

 FT October 11 2010

Monti called the breaches of the Maastricht Treaty limits on deficit ceilings by France and Germany, soon after the launch of the single currency, the "worst mistake in the EU in the past ten years". 
CNBC 11 Jan 2012

- Jag vet hur viktig stabilitetspakten är för mig som anhängare av en nationell finanspolitik men en europeisk penningpolitik. Det som ska förena eld och vatten där är stabilitetspakten.

Göran Persson i Europa-Posten nr 7/2002

Göran Persson: Sverige går bara med i "fungerande" EMU

Sverige kommer bara att gå med i EMU och övergå till euron om stabilitetspakten garanterat gäller samtliga medlemsländer. Det sade statminister Göran Persson på tisdagen.

"Om vi hamnar i en situation med budgetanarki inom EU, med ökande budgetunderskott kommer EMU inte att fungera", sade han och hänvisade till rapporter om hur andra EU-länder kan komma att följa Portugal och överskrida stabilitetspaktens gräns på 3 procent av BNP.

Reuters, 2002-08-06

Stabilitetspakten, startsida


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