Röd öppning Red Opening 20 November 2023
Argentina’s New President Wants to Adopt the U.S. Dollar as the National Currency
But Latin America’s third-largest economy is broke and lacks funds to swap the nearly worthless peso for the greenback
“To begin with, you need access to capital markets to convert the entire monetary base into dollars, and you don’t have them,”
On November 19th, Mr Milei surpassed expectations and won 56% of the vote
in the presidential run-off, compared with 44% for Sergio Massa, a stalwart of the Peronist movement, which has governed Argentina for 28 of the past 40 years.
His coalition, Liberty Advances, won in 20 of Argentina’s 23 provinces, plus the city of Buenos Aires. In his victory speech, Mr Milei promised to make “drastic changes” to end Argentina’s century-long decline and return the country to being a “world power” within 35 years.
Yet, despite what at first glance appears to be a clear mandate, the firebrand Mr Milei will not find governing easy. His coalition was only created two years ago. It commands the support of none of Argentina’s powerful governors, and will have only 38 of 257 seats in the lower house of Congress, and seven of 72 seats in the Senate.
Don’t Déjà Vu Me, Argentina.
Oh what a circus, oh what a show.
Argentina The IMF has no good options—but it may have just selected the worst
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Stupiditetspakten går mot sitt sammanbrott
Den tyska regeringen överväger att göra en drastisk översyn av budgeten för nästa år, inklusive minskade restriktioner för nettoupplåning, i spåren av förra veckans domstolsbeslut.
Germany’s constitutional court has repeatedly proved its readiness to be a pain in the backside of want-to-get-it-done policymakers. It has long been weaponised by opponents of the European Central Bank
Tyska domare kommer att låta det passera vad lagen än säger
Till och med de smartaste EU-advokaterna har ännu inte hittat sätt att förena ett rent räddningsinstrument med no-bailout-klausulen i Maastrichtfördraget, och hitta ett sätt att avvärja en kamp i den tyska författningsdomstolen.
EU prepares to reform its fiscal rules, informally known as the stability and growth pact
Är Stabilitetspakten Stupid? Olli Rehn, Prodi och Persson
AT1s, or additional tier one bonds
This month, in an epic plot twist, UBS itself issued a substantial $3.5bn of AT1s.
They will initially look very like the old Credit Suisse bonds, though UBS says the terms will be amended once shareholders agree. It says that rather than being wiped out in a crisis situation, they would convert into equity, bringing Swiss AT1s into line with the norm elsewhere.
The UBS issue commanded extraordinary demand. The order book topped $36bn, or 10 times the ultimate issue size, as investors queued up for the 9.25 per cent coupon.
Swiss regulators have committed shameless expropriation. So much for the safety of Zurich
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Telegraph 21 March 2023
“The AT1 instruments issued by Credit Suisse provide contractually that they are written off in full in the event of a trigger event (viability event), in particular when extraordinary government support is granted,” the regulator said in a statement.
Tier 1 Capital: Definition, Components, Ratio, and How It's Used
Ex-politikern och mångmeriterade styrelsemannen Björn Rosengren bötfälls
av Finansinspektionen för aktieköp i Izafe – där han är ordförande – inför halvårsrapporten i år i strid med marknadsmissbrukslagstiftningen.
Trots straffavgiften blev köpet en vinstaffär för Björn Rosengren.
Europe needs a new framework for Turkey
EU and Mercosur
Fastator med Björn Rosengren och Carl Bildt i styrelsen har satt överbelåning i system
Det har nu kommit till vägs ände när räntor rusar och obligationer i flera led förfaller.
SBB ser ut som ett lågriskbygge jämfört med Fastator.
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