Röd öppning Red Opening 13 November 2023


SCB-siffror avslöjar pressade hushåll – nu snålar svenskarna (di.se)

Det som gör EU-medlemskapet värt att försvara 

Jag besöker min vän. Vi strosar kors och tvärs, allt för att undvika tunnelbanan. Mest går vi planlöst längs Seine och i det sjunde arrondissementet. Där ligger Sciences Po. Universitetet är en elitskola inom statskunskap och europastudier där min vän snart ska avsluta sina masterstudier. 

Hennes vänner har alla gått på fina skolor i sina hemländer, Italien, Tyskland och Nederländerna. Själv är hon från en ö i Bohuslän.

På kvällen dinglar vi med benen vid Seine.

Det som gör EU-medlemskapet värt att försvara är att jag kan flyga hit och njuta av Seine med endast mitt ID-kort.

Lovisa Lanryd

Projektledare på Tankesmedjan Timbro.

SvD ledare 12 november 2023

Vid närmare eftertanke har jag kommit fram till att den unga damen måste vara en EU-motståndare som med charm och elegans visar att EU inte har mer att erbjuda än möjligheten att åka till Paris utan pass. 

Lovisa Lanryd

The U.S. military conducted airstrikes on two locations in eastern Syria 

involving Iranian-backed groups, hitting a training location and a weapons facility, according to the Pentagon and U.S. officials.

It marks the third time in a bit more than two weeks that the U.S. has retaliated against the militants for what has been a growing number of attacks on bases housing U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria.

Joe Biden is not just an old guy. He is also a representative of an old idea — one that dates back to the 1940s.

The US president believes that his nation and the wider world are safer if the US plays the role of world policeman. He argued recently that: “American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us, America, safe . . . To put all that at risk if we walk away from Ukraine, if we turn our backs on Israel, it’s just not worth it.”

But it is possible that he will be the last US leader who wholeheartedly embraces the idea of America as “liberal hegemon” — the academic term for world policeman.

Gideon Rachman 

Vi befinner oss nu, skriver John Gray, i en värld av imperialistiska rivaliteter liknande dem som fanns före 1914 och som slutade med Europas självmord i skyttegravarna. Efter andra världskriget har vi levt med USA:s globala hegemoni men dess tid är nu ute. Skillnaden är att det i dag inte finns någon efterträdare till USA vid horisonten.

Some 300,000 protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza marched through central London on Saturday, according to a police estimate.

A Big Bond Rally Needs a Recession

it’s becoming increasingly clear that the US bond market won’t see a sustained rally unless the economy surprises even the Federal Reserve by falling into a deep recession.

Over the past three years, Treasuries staged several false rebounds from the deepest rout in decades, only to reverse course, sending yields higher again and burning those who had bet big on the swing.

Another rally raced through the market at the start of this month,

One is the potentially fallout of a US government shutdown, since the current federal funding will lapse on Nov. 18 if Congress doesn’t agree on a new plan.

A Big Bond Rally Needs a Recession With Fed Wary of ‘Head Fakes’ - Bloomberg

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Moody’s Italy is rated one step above junk, with negative outlook

Cameron gör comeback – blir utrikesminister

Cameron has called Jean-Claude Juncker "totally unacceptable", as he is representing a federalist vision for Europe, meaning more integration.

Martin Wolf: An excessively narrow focus on deficits can lead to bad decisions

What should fiscal policy target? A debate has recently emerged over the merits of focusing on debt and deficits, as now, or a broader measure of public sector net worth, which includes assets and liabilities. 

The invention of modern accounting is among the most important advances in human history. Without it, today’s complex economies would be impossible. 

 It led to the mistaken decision to slash public investment after the financial crisis, despite exceptionally low long-term interest rates. It justified the private finance initiative, which replaced visible debt service obligations with invisible (and costlier) future spending. 


Ask any financial planner or Wall Street type and they’ll tell you U.S. Treasury bonds are the “safest” asset you can own.

 In the halls of the financial establishment, the yield, or interest rate, on 10-year Treasurys is defined, literally as well as figuratively, as the “risk-free rate” of return.

Consider some grim numbers: An investment in 10-year U.S. Treasury notes BX: TMUBMUSD10Y has lost a third of its value, in real, inflation-adjusted terms, in just over three years. 

Investments in long-term Treasurys have lost about half their value. They have fallen as much as U.S. stocks did during the global financial crisis.

And this isn’t just a short-term phenomenon. Ten-year Treasurys have failed to keep up with inflation since the spring of 2008, before the collapse of Lehman Brothers. 

They have effectively made you no money, after inflation, since 2003: Not one lost decade but two

Anyone buying regular 10-year Treasurys is assuming that inflation will average 2.3% over the next decade.

Good luck with that.

Brett Arends MarketWatch 13 November 2023

His latest book, "Storm Proof Your Money", was published by John Wiley & Co.

Enbart aktieägarna ska senast i juni 2024 ha 2,1 miljarder i utdelning, något som SBB:s stämma beslutade i fjol. På så vis kan till exempel den sparkade vd:n Ilija Batljan – med över 31 procent av rösterna och 8 procent av aktiekapitalet – få över 200 miljoner kronor i utdelning.

SBB:s revisor varnar för att fastighetsbolagets tillgängliga likviditet inte täcker finansieringsbehovet under de kommande tolv månaderna.

”Skulle finansiering inte erhållas i tillräcklig omfattning finns det risk för att förutsättningar för fortsatt drift inte föreligger”

”För det fall att en rättstvist skulle inledas och rätten anse att SBB brutit mot villkoret om räntetäckningsgrad finns det ytterligare risk för att förutsättningar för fortsatt drift inte föreligger”, skriver han.


Henrik Berggrens trilogi ”Landet utanför”. 

Den nyutkomna, tredje och sista delen berör tiden 1943-1945. Den kröner ett mästerverk.

Recension: Landet utanför. Sverige och kriget 1943-1945 - Henrik Berggren | SvD


 Viewing the world in calendar years can distort perception, and publishing this early means running massive event risk. 

My favorite example of that genre was the Economist’s “World in 1990” publication, which appeared in November. 

With reform sweeping the communist bloc, it rated that chances of change in what was still Czechoslovakia at 0 out of 10, and in Romania at -10 out of 10.

Before 1990 had even started, the Velvet Revolution had swept the communists from power in Prague, while Romanian strongman Nicolae Ceausescu had been lined up against a wall and shot.

John Authers 


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