Röd öppning - Red Opening 31 oktober 2023



Inflationstakten i Eurozonen föll till 2,9 procent i oktober   

Det var lägre än förväntat, ekonomer hade i snitt räknat med 3,1 procent. I september låg prisökningstakten på 4,3 procent på årsbasis.

Dessutom backar BNP oväntat under tredje kvartalet till minus 0,1 procent jämfört föregående kvartal.

Inflationen faller mer än väntat i euroländerna | SvD

raises the question if policymakers have hiked interest rates to 
what they deem a “sufficiently restrictive” level

Home prices in the 20 biggest U.S. metros rose for the sixth month in a row, as the housing market continues to deal with a shortage of homes for sale.

America, Iran and the threat of a wider war in the Middle East

None of the region’s big powers wants further conflict but it could happen nonetheless

Historians are fascinated by the outbreak of the first world war. How could the assassination of an Austrian archduke in Sarajevo in June 1914 have led, just a few weeks later, to a conflict that dragged in every major power in Europe, and eventually the US?

For the Biden administration, that threat of a wider war is now regarded as the central challenge in the entire crisis. 

As one Washington insider puts it: “All the countries involved have thresholds that, if crossed, will make them believe they have to act. But nobody really knows what the other side’s threshold is.”

Gideon Rachman FT 30 October 2023


A former editor of the Economist magazine explained the craft of journalism as “simplify, then exaggerate.”

The stock-market correction offers plenty of opportunities to do exactly that, but none are satisfactory on their own.

Simplification 1: It is all about the Fed. 

Simplification 2: It is all about impending recession. 

Simplification 3: There is a war in the Middle East, of course stocks are down.

Simplification 4: Stocks were expensive, this is just a natural correction.

If I were forced by my editor to simplify by choosing just one of these, I’d pick the first one, the Fed and bond yields. 

James Mackintosh WSJ 31 October 2023


Finansmarknadsminister Niklas Wykman (M) i en stor intervju 

DI 31 oktober 2023

Niklas Wykman: Använd bankvinster till investeringar (di.se)

The Czech Republic; The government has no policy to adopt it, the public doesn’t want it and the central bank is keen to keep control of interest rates.

The commitment to eventually switch to the euro was a key condition of joining the European Union. But after almost two decades, the Czech Republic — like all the largest post-communist members — isn’t anywhere close.

... but companies are slowly taking the country into the single currency anyway.

Few countries, though, are as Euroskeptic as the Czech Republic. Polling among EU members that haven’t adopted the single currency showed the Czechs with the smallest share of people supporting the switch, 

according to the latest survey from Eurobarometer.

Introduction of the euro in the Member States not yet having adopted the common currency - Spring 2023


Swedes Discuss Once-Taboo Idea of Adopting the Euro


 Bloomberg 31 oktober 2023




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