Den amerikanska PCE-inflationen, som brukar beskrivas som Federal Reserves favoritinflationsmått, steg med 0,4 procent i september i linje med augusti-siffran.
The optimistic view points to a small decline in the annual rate of core inflation to a more than two-year low of 3.7% from 3.8% in the prior month.
Good news, to be sure, but the rate of inflation is still far away from the Fed's 2% target.
Not only that, but the 0.4% increase in headline PCE and 0.3% in the core rate (which omits food and energy) won't let the Fed achieve its goal.
Monthly headline and core inflation increases need to slow to 0.1% or 0.2% a month to get there.
Förväntningarna var att den skulle bromsat in till en månadstakt på 0,3 procent.
U.S. fighter jets launched airstrikes early Friday on two locations in eastern Syria linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Pentagon said, in retaliation for a slew of drone and missile attacks against U.S. bases and personnel in the region
Fossila bränslen kan nå sin topp innan år 2030. Då kommer solceller stå för mer el än hela USA:s energisystem gör i dag.
Men det räcker inte. Dagens politik leder till en uppvärmning på 2,4 grader. Ska Parisavtalets mål nås måste det till krafttag, enligt Internationella energiorganet IEA:s energirapport.
A separate study that came out last week suggests the world may have reached “a global irreversible solar tipping point,” with ever-cheaper solar dominating electricity markets purely because of market forces, without any additional climate policies.
‘That’s exactly what we did back in the housing boom in 2006’
Mortgage rates are at the highest level since 2000, with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaging 7.9% as of October 20.
... growing popularity of affordability boosters like adjustable-rate mortgages, assumable mortgages, and down payments as small as 1%.
The 2/28 and 3/27 refer to adjustable-rate mortgages. With the 2/28 loan, a buyer has a fixed rate for the first two years, after which the mortgage rate is pegged to the prevailing rate and adjusts every year or even more often.
The 3/27 ARM is similar, but the initial fixed term is three years instead of two.
Today, home-lending standards have become much stricter, the industry says, with more attention paid to whether a borrower has the ability to pay their debts.
Yet with 30-year fixed-rate mortgage rates at 8% and home-buying demand drying up, lenders are still trying to introduce more creative ways to help buyers.
In the fiscal year that just ended, the US government borrowed $1.7 trillion, more than 6% of gross domestic product. Bear in mind, that was with an economy running hot, with high inflation and more than full employment.
Unless something is done, the ratio of net federal debt to GDP will soon surpass 106% — a level last reached at the end of World War II — then keep on rising.
This outlook, largely ignored by Washington’s policymakers, points to a looming budget catastrophe.
Higher nominal rates raise the cost of servicing debt, but don’t worsen the long-term debt position if they merely offset inflation, which causes both debt and nominal GDP to grow faster.
Meaningful fiscal discipline demands responsible entitlement reform combined with higher taxes applied to a sufficiently broad base — meaning not confined to corporate profits or the highest incomes.
Neither party is willing, as yet, to even contemplate such changes. At some point they’ll have to
Fondbolagen höjer sin lönsamhet när kapitalet ökar. Swedbanks fondbolag Robur, noterade en vinst på drygt 2,4 miljarder kronor. I sin årsredovisning skriver Robur att det framför allt är utvecklingen på världens börser som bidragit till att det förvaltade fondkapitalet ökade med hela 17 procent jämfört med 2022. SEB kan visa upp ett resultat på närmare 1,4 miljarder kronor för sin verksamhet i SEB Investment Management Fondbolagens goda lönsamhet baseras på att fondspararna fortfarande är villiga att betala relativt höga avgifter. Den genomsnittliga fondavgiften ligger nu på 1,3 procent enligt en rapport från AMF. I kategorin aktiefonder är snittavgiften 1,45 procent av kapitalet. Svenskarnas samlade fondförmögenhet rekordhöga 7.900 miljarder kronor. Under årets första sex månader tog den svenska fondbranschen emot 103,7 miljarder kronor i nysparande, den högsta halvårssiffran någonsin. Hans Bolander DI 29 juli 2024
Det blev en ny, illröd dag på Wall Street. Indexen försvagades i sluthandeln och stängde på lägre nivåer än vid Stockholmsbörsens stängning. Morgonkoll: Sur Tokyobörs sänker humöret i Asien ( Börsen har nu rasat 7,5 procent på bara tre dagar och är på den lägsta nivån sedan början av mars. Victor Hultgren DI 5 augusti 2024, 17:31 / Nasdaq 5Y Om man höjer blicken är nedgången, hittills, liten i jämförelse med den tidigare uppgången. ”Magnificent 7”-bolagen väntas tappa 13.000 miljarder Stockholmsbörsen öppnade ned 4,9 procent för att nu falla med 4,1 procent. David Levin DI 5 augusti 2024, 14:34 ”Magnificent 7”-bolagen väntas tappa 13.000 miljarder ( The fact that one can hardly see last week's decline on this chart says a great deal about full-cycle risk. Hussman på X (