Röd öppning - Red Opening 31 oktober 2023
Back - Next - Book Home - Climate Change I nflationstakten i Eurozonen föll till 2,9 procent i oktober Det var lägre än förväntat, ekonomer hade i snitt räknat med 3,1 procent. I september låg prisökningstakten på 4,3 procent på årsbasis. Dessutom backar BNP oväntat under tredje kvartalet till minus 0,1 procent jämfört föregående kvartal. Inflationen faller mer än väntat i euroländerna | SvD https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-31/euro-zone-inflation-sinks-to-two-year-low-as-economy-contracts raises the question if policymakers have hiked interest rates to what they deem a “sufficiently restrictive” level US Credit Remains Strong With Risk Premiums Tight Despite Fed’s Policy Stance - Bloomberg Home prices in the 20 biggest U.S. metros rose for the sixth month in a row, as the housing market continues to deal with a shortage of homes for sale. U.S. home prices rose for the sixth month in a row, Case-Shiller s...