Greece from junk to investment grade

 “There [had been] many voices asking for Greece to exit the eurozone. They were arguing that the country’s debt would never be sustainable, that it will be impossible to achieve primary surpluses, and that its banking system will not be able to reduce its stockpile of bad loans,” he said. “In the end, nothing is impossible.”

It is a far cry from February 2012, when the country’s credit rating came close to the lowest rating — selective default — following a debt crisis that threatened to tear the eurozone apart.

Painful austerity measures have left their mark on a country that now has one of the highest rates of relative poverty in the EU. Up until a few weeks ago, when it was raised from €832 to €910 per month, the minimum wage was lower than it was 12 years ago.

FT 14 May 2023

S och M förbereder statskupp?

Ett införande av euron är en i praktiken irreversibel process, jfr Grekland.

Då måste vi följa med på tåget mot ett federalt rike. 

De som vill avskaffa vårt lands suveränitet, i strid med tidigare folkomröstningsresultat, får faktiskt besvära sig med att fråga folkets en gång till.

Rolf Englund på Facebook 9 januari 2023


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