Horst Reichenbach och IMF-Lagarde

It may have been a bad idea to send a German. And his name certainly didn’t help matters.
When Horst Reichenbach arrived in Athens recently to head a new European Union task force to help the country deal with its debt, the Greek media instantly dubbed him “Third Reichenbach.”

Det har jag tidigare skrivit om på denna blog

Har inte Schlingmann lämnat kvar någon bror i Tyskland som hade kunnat ordna så att Horst Reichenbach hade bytt namn innan han sändes till Grekland?

“There is about 8 billion euros in collectible revenue,” Mr. Reichenbach said,

New York Times 15 March 2012

Mr. Reichenbach was presenting the task force’s second quarterly report on progress at carrying out changes demanded by foreign creditors.

Christine Lagarde praised Athens for “its tremendous efforts to implement wide-ranging painful measures over the past two years,” but said more needed to be done.

“Greece’s priority is to undertake competitiveness-enhancing structural reforms,” she said,

adding however that “significant further fiscal adjustment is necessary to put debt on a sustainable downward trajectory.”

"competitiveness-enhancing structural reforms" = eurospeak för Intern devalvering.

Talking about the problems confronting Greece, Lagarde said, “…the challenges confronting Greece remain significant, with a large competitiveness gap, a high level of public debt, and an undercapitalised banking system.”

Så mycket värre än så kan det väl inte bli?


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