Libyen, Carl Bildt, The International Crisis Group och Fastator


Why Libya Has Two Governments Competing Over Control of Oil

More than a decade after the US, European and Arab governments helped Libyans overthrow their tyrannical ruler Moammar Al Qaddafi, a lasting peace remains elusive. 

Libya sits atop Africa’s largest proven oil reserves  

The International Crisis Group writes about recent developments in the country.

Bloomberg 27 August 2024

International Crisis Group/The /United States

The International Crisis Group operates non-profit organization. The Organization focuses on preventing and resolving world conflict. The International Crisis Group serves communities worldwide.
Board Members

Nils Daniel Carl Bildt Fastator AB

Gen Rt Wesley Kanne Clark Sr Wesley K Clark & Assocs

Wesley Kanne Clark, Sr., född 23 december 1944 i Chicago i Illinois, är en amerikansk pensionerad fyrstjärnig general som var Natos SACEUR samt militärbefälhavare för United States European Command från 1997 till 2000. 

Han var den som ledde Natos bombkampanj mot Jugoslavien under den senare delen av Kosovokriget, 1998–1999.

Helge Lund BP PLC

Libyen - It's Complicated

Fastator Björn Rosengren och Carl Bildt



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