Börsen i Stockholm och New York 8 August 2024


USA-börserna bästa dagen sedan 2022

Moral hazard is back on the agenda; should central banks cave to markets?


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The immediate storm may be passing – but dark clouds have gathered over the US economy. Japan. Carry Trade


 Börsen stängde på plus

German Trade Balance Drops

The eurozone’s most important economy, recorded 20.4 billion euros trade surplus. 

That was less than the €24.9 billion surplus it booked in May.

Exports fell 3.4%

Antalet nyanmälda arbetslösa i USA uppgick till 233.000  Veckans dessförinnan reviderade 250.000 personer.

Östersjöstiftelsen, som bygger på löntagarfondspengar och stödjer forskning, ska ha låg risk i sin aktieportfölj. 

Enligt statuterna strävar Östersjöstiftelsen, en av landets tyngsta forskningsfinansiärer som förvaltar 8 miljarder kronor, efter riskspridning inom respektive tillgångskategorier genom väldiversifierade portföljer.

Men tre högriskinnehav står för merparten av portföljen med totalt 20 innehav – trots att det största innehavet nästan halverades i värde på en dag i förra veckan.

Torbjörn Isacson DI 6 augusti 2024

Det finns ingen anledning till oro, men

Japan has - for the first time - issued a warning about an increased risk of a "major earthquake" striking in the near future.

The warning did not mean a large earthquake was imminent, but that the probability was higher than usual.

It came hours after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake occurred off the southern island of Kyushu, which reportedly caused no major damage.

The epicentre sat - at the edge of the Nankai Trough, an area of seismic activity which stretches along Japan's Pacific coast.

BBC 8 August 2024

Japan sits on or near the boundary of four tectonic plates: the Pacific, North American, Eurasian and Filipino plates.

Japan sits in the “Ring of Fire,” an arc that stretches along the basin of the Pacific Ocean, and is home to 90 percent of the world’s earthquakes and more than 75 percent of the world’s volcanoes. 

Researchers identify new source for earthquakes and tsunamis in the Greater Tokyo Region

By Gringer (talk) 23:52, 10 February 2009 (UTC) - vector data from [1], Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5919729

‘Everything Went Wrong’

Counting on trends continuing paid off until swift reversal
Going into July, trend followers were positioned for the year’s big trades to keep gathering momentum: 

They were plowing into stocks, betting against developed-nation government bonds and counting on the yen to keep weakening, according to Societe Generale SA.

Then each of those markets moved sharply in the wrong direction, hitting them with deep losses. 

By one broad measure of the group, nearly all of this year’s gains were wiped out.

1929 202? The trend is your friend. And then the trend is not your friend.

Englund blogg 21 juli 2024


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