It's Complicated. - No, It's Stagflation.

“Stagflation” remains a word not uttered in the polite company of the financial world.

As Night Follows Day, Stagflation Follows the 2020-21 Stimulus

It’ll be dark, with interest hikes and sluggish GDP figures aligning as if to produce a solar eclipse.

 We are only in the early stages of a monetary tightening whose effects haven’t even begun to be felt yet—the results will start to appear in the second half of this year

Gerard Baker WSJ 25 July 2022

 What is stagflation, and might it make a comeback?

A combination of inflation and sluggish growth brings memories of the 1970s

The Economist explains 16 June 2022

The Gathering Stagflationary Storm

There are many reasons to worry that today’s stagflationary conditions will continue to characterize the global economy, producing higher inflation, lower growth, and possibly recessions in many economies.

Nouriel Roubini 25 April 2022

Klarar bolånekunder och företag ytterligare räntehöjningar? 

Intervju med Riksbankschef Erik Thedéen. I studion också Nordeas chefekonom Annika Winsth. Hur stor är risken för en ny global finanskris? Intervju med världsledande ekonomen Kenneth Rogoff. 

Agenda TV2 26 mars 2023

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