President Obama Doesn't Understand the Origins of the Deficit | Beat the Press

President Obama does not have the most basic understanding of the nature of the budget problems the country faces.

He apparently believes that there was a huge deficit on an ongoing basis as a result of the policies in place prior to the downturn. In fact, the deficits were relatively modest.

The huge deficits came about entirely as a result of the economic downturn brought about by the collapse of the housing bubble.

President Obama Doesn't Understand the Origins of the Deficit | Beat the Press

Rolf Englund:
Om inte huspriserna hade gått ned hade det inte gjort något att subprimelåntagarna inte kunde betala,

If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.

Men konsumtion finansierad med lånta pengar mot säkerhet i stigande huspriser kan inte fortsätta i evighet.

Det har vi sett i USA, Japan, Irland, Spanien och snart får vi se det i Sverige.

Kan man undvika recession i USA när man måste minska importen med 600 miljarder dollar?
Rolf Englund på Nationalekonomiska Föreningen 30/11


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