Sju EU-länder riskerar böter för brott mot EU:s budgetregler - stability and growth pact was “stupid” Romano Prodi, Commission president

Belgien, Frankrike, Italien, Malta, Polen, Slovakien och Ungern. 

Någon återgång till 10-talets åtstramningspolitik utlovas ändå inte.

EU:s ekonomikommissionär Paolo Gentiloni betonar att det inte handlar om att gå tillbaka till den kritiserade åtstramningspolitik som dominerade efter eurokrisen.

 Det betyder inte en återgång till det normala, för vi lever inte i normala tider – och ännu mindre en återgång till åtstramningar för det vore ett fruktansvärt misstag, säger Gentiloni 

SvD/TT 19 juni

Romano Prodi, Commission president from 1999 to 2004, asserted in October 2002 that the stability pact was “stupid” because it provided for sanctions on countries already in financial difficulties.

When the euro was born everyone knew that sooner or later a crisis would occur. It was also clear that the stability and growth pact was – as I have said before – “stupid”

Romano Prodi FT May 20 2010

Prodi: It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created."

Paolo Gentiloni

Applying the Stability and Growth Pact, using the full flexibility allowed in the rules to support investment while safeguarding fiscal responsibility

The Commission is today providing policy guidance to Member States under the 2024 European Semester Spring Package to build a robust and future-proof economy that secures competitiveness, resilience and long-term prosperity for all, while maintaining sound public finances, in the face of a challenging geopolitical environment.

President von der Leyen's mission letter to Paolo Gentiloni


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