U.S. and European tariffs on car imports from China look similar, but...

The Biden administration last month raised the total tariff rate to 102.5% on Chinese EVs

In case sky-high import duties don’t keep Chinese EVs away - for example if they are built in Mexico  - Washington also launched an investigation in February to assess their security risks. 

This could be an even more potent blocking tool. 

If President Biden loses November’s election, a second Trump administration would likely be even more hawkish.

The EU additional tariffs announced by Brussels this month are relatively modest: an additional 17.4% in the all-important case of Chinese market leader BYD on top of a longstanding 10% tariff

The incumbent industry could help itself by sharing plants with the newcomers. 

Stellantis, which owns brands such as Fiat and Peugeot as well as the Chrysler business in Detroit, last month formed a European joint venture with a Chinese automaker, Zhejiang Leapmotor Technology.

The business is starting to use a Stellantis factory in Poland to manufacture Leapmotor vehicles for the European market

Wall Street Journal 23 June 2024


Kina har spenderat motsvarande 231 miljarder dollar i statsstöd för att bygga upp den elbilsindustri som nu utgör frontlinje i en handelskonflikt med EU, enligt en studie från amerikanska Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Aggressivt kinesiskt statsstöd styr elbilsrevolutionen (di.se)

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