Media om Biden-Trump


Det mest genanta under duellkvällen i Atlanta var ändå inte när presidenten tappade bort sig i duellen med Donald Trump. Det var istället bilderna som visade när han kom med sin fru Jill till Demokraternas efterfest, och leende vinkade till partivännerna.

Till synes utan att ha en aning om att panelen på CNN – som arrangerade debatten – redan hade börjat diskutera om han inte borde kliva åt sidan och släppa fram en annan presidentkandidat för Demokraterna.



Before Thursday evening, many Americans had expressed concerns about Joe Biden’s age and fitness for office. 

To say that this debate did not put those concerns to rest may be one of the greatest understatements of the year.

The president came into the debate with a low bar to clear, and he stumbled. He was flat. He was rambling. He was unclear.



Biden has shaky debate showing as Trump repeats falsehoods


Five Key Debate Moments Where Biden Stumbled

President Joe Biden stumbled through exchanges in Thursday’s presidential debate, a performance that risks exacerbating concerns about his age and intensifying Democratic worries about their candidate’s ability to defeat Republican Donald Trump in November’s election.

The president’s performance was punctuated by blunders, repeated lines, coughs, misstatements and an extended freeze that will stoke fitness and acuity concerns. He tripped over key numbers, like the amount of new jobs created under his administration, caps for out-of-pocket drug costs and insulin that are key pillars of his reelection bid.


For months, many Democrats have argued that the 81-year-old president is fit for a second term. 

But following the debate, some Democratic strategists, donors and advisers to donors said they were shocked by Biden’s showing, which they said had spurred private discussions about replacing him on the presidential ticket. 

They acknowledged, however, that the chances of the president withdrawing remained slim.



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