Deng Xiaoping ran China despite having no formal title other than Most Honorary President of the Chinese Bridge Association

For several years in the early 1990s ...

The European Union today is roughly the opposite: a place crawling with presidents, yet nobody in charge. 

The Economist 20 June 2024

Deng visited Singapore in November 1978

Singapore did not inspire him because of its level of development. If that were his priority, many cities in Japan or the West would have impressed him more.

Singapore was special because it represented the achievement of an estranged relative. Nowhere else outside China was there a country with ethnic Chinese in its majority.

Lee Kuan Yew told him that if Singapore Chinese who were the descendants of poorly-educated coolies could make good, how much better mainland China could be if the right policies were adopted.

När Kinas nye ledare Deng Xiaoping hösten 1978 besökte Singapore imponerades han av välståndet, de ekonomiska frizonerna och hur detta kombinerades med en auktoritär politik. 

Lee Kuan Yew var det självständiga Singapores förste premiärminister mellan 1959 och 1990.

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