Monaco på ”grå lista”?

Monaco riskerar att hamna på den mellanstatliga organisationen Financial Action Task Forces (FATF) ”grå lista”. 

Det utgör en betydande risk för Monacos banksektor som enligt Bloomberg hade omkring 160 miljarder euro under förvaltning i slutet av 2023 – motsvarande ungefär 20 gånger landets BNP.

Di 21 juni 2024

Monaco Expected to Join Dirty Money ‘Gray List’

United Arab Emirates was added to the gray list in March 2022. That move seen as among the most significant steps in FATF’s history, given the country’s position as the main financial hub of the Middle East.

The Gulf state was removed in February after Emirati officials made it a political priority to escape the designation, tightening scrutiny on various nationalities and paving the way for high-profile extraditions of individuals accused of white-collar crimes.

The principality faces scrutiny not just from the FATF but also from the Group of States Against Corruption, or Greco, which is expected to issue a report by this summer examining the government’s ability to stamp out bribery.

Currently there are roughly 20 countries spanning several continents on the gray list, including Nigeria, South Africa, Bulgaria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Philippines and Syria. 

Bloomberg 21 June 2024

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