Det skall bli intressant att se hur de svenska ny-hooveristerna skall ta emot President Obamas senaste stimulanspaket på 447 miljarder dollar.
På sina ställen, inte bara i Sverige, förefaller nyliberalismen har muterat till ny-hooverism.
Johanna Möllerström, Harvard och Hoover
Det skall bli intressant att se hur de svenska ny-hooveristerna skall ta emot President Obamas senaste stimulanspaket på 447 miljarder dollar.
Skall de utmåla Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s och JPMorgan chief U.S. economist Michael Feroli som oansvariga sossar som bara vill blåsa på och inte tänker på den farliga statsskulden?
JPMorgan chief U.S. economist Michael Feroli:
“The plan would go a long way toward stabilizing confidence, forestalling another recession and jump-starting a self-sustaining economic expansion.”
JPMorgan chief U.S. economist Michael Feroli:
“It offsets what would otherwise have been a huge drag from the fiscal restraint” that was due next year, he said.
“The plan reduces the risk of a recession in 2012, though it doesn’t do much for growth in the second half of this year.”
Detta enligt Bloomberg
Men det kanske är tidsandan som har svängt så fort att många opportunister inte har hängt med?
Stephanie Flanders, BBC Economics editor, har noterat att
There was a time, not so long ago, when politicians were profligate and the markets begged for restraint.
Not any more.
Now it is politicians - on both sides of the Atlantic - who demand fiscal restraint and spending cuts.
While the financial markets seem to be looking for stimulus.
Read more here
Johanna Möllerström, Harvard och Hoover
Det skall bli intressant att se hur de svenska ny-hooveristerna skall ta emot President Obamas senaste stimulanspaket på 447 miljarder dollar.
Skall de utmåla Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s och JPMorgan chief U.S. economist Michael Feroli som oansvariga sossar som bara vill blåsa på och inte tänker på den farliga statsskulden?
JPMorgan chief U.S. economist Michael Feroli:
“The plan would go a long way toward stabilizing confidence, forestalling another recession and jump-starting a self-sustaining economic expansion.”
JPMorgan chief U.S. economist Michael Feroli:
“It offsets what would otherwise have been a huge drag from the fiscal restraint” that was due next year, he said.
“The plan reduces the risk of a recession in 2012, though it doesn’t do much for growth in the second half of this year.”
Detta enligt Bloomberg
Men det kanske är tidsandan som har svängt så fort att många opportunister inte har hängt med?
Stephanie Flanders, BBC Economics editor, har noterat att
There was a time, not so long ago, when politicians were profligate and the markets begged for restraint.
Not any more.
Now it is politicians - on both sides of the Atlantic - who demand fiscal restraint and spending cuts.
While the financial markets seem to be looking for stimulus.
Read more here