Det kan bli stora kast, säger Seyran Naib, makroekonom på Skandia.

Samtidigt konstaterar hon att finns förutsättningar för en stark börsutveckling längre fram om den geopolitiska oron avtar.

– När oron har lagt sig brukar börsen fokusera på tillståndet i ekonomin. Och konjunkturen är fortsatt stark. Jag tycker inte man ska ta några förhastade beslut när det stormar, säger Seyran Naib. 

SvD 23 February 2022

A Stock Correction Doesn't Mean the Market Was Wrong
A 10% decline from the previous high is common and doesn’t portend catastrophe.

One worrying sign would be if financial conditions were tight, but they’re not.

Given the run that stocks have had, more than doubling from the pandemic-era low in March 2020 to early in January, you can’t fault investors for selling first and asking questions later. But this correction should be welcomed because it shows that after a prolonged period when it seemed stocks only rose, investors are no longer on the same side, which is a healthy sign.

Bloomberg 23 February 2022


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