"Men EMU är ju bra för freden"

(Reuters) - Greeks protesting at austerity measures demanded by foreign lenders blocked a major national parade on Friday to commemorate Greek resistance in World War Two, shouting "traitors" at President Karolos Papoulias and other officials.

The annual military parade in the northern city is one of the most symbolic events in Greece's political calendar and commemorates the rejection of Italy's ultimatum to surrender in 1940.

It was the first time it had been canceled.

We must unite to overcome this crisis," Papoulias said, adding that he had fought the Germans as a 15-year-old boy. "So who is a traitor? 2011-10-28

Greek protesters call president "traitor" 28.10.2011

Rolf Englund:
Läs mer här hur bra det är för freden att ha en gemensam valuta


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