EU-länderna ska skjuta till 200 miljarder euro till IMF.

Det är nästan 2.000 miljarder kronor. 
Det är väl generöst av stater i kris?

Detta är bakgrunden.

- IMF must play its part in any euro solution
After European authorities emphasised that Greece was fully solvent and able to service all debts in full, it is unlikely that they, acting alone, have the capacity to reassure markets.

Moreover, there are profound intra-European political problems if northern Europe either does or does not impose conditions on Italy.
It would be much better to outsource those traumas to the IMF.

Lawrence Summers, Financial Times, December 8, 2011

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Question: There has been a lot of speculation that the ECB could somehow help the struggling countries in the euro zone through third parties, whether by lending money to the IMF, or by lending money to the EFSF. 

Are you open to those types of mechanisms that would channel ECB money to countries in the euro zone?

Draghi: As regards your first question do not forget that the ECB is not a member of the IMF. More generally, as I just said, the mechanism by which money is being channelled to the European countries should not obscure the fact that we have a Treaty which says there should be no monetary financing of governments.

- The issue of whether the IMF could be used as a channel is legally very complex. But the need to respect the spirit of the Treaty should always be present in our minds.

Mario Draghi, President of the ECB, Frankfurt, 8 December 2011

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Alla EU-länder var på mötet överens om att bidra med mer pengar, eller rättare sagt lånefaciliteter – löften om lån – till Internationella Valutafonden, IMF.

Idén är smått genialisk: Om IMF får mer pengar kan euro-länder vända sig till IMF-skrapan i Washington för att i krisögonblick få hjälp ur kistorna, snarare än att behöva tigga om räddningspaket eller lån ur någon av EU-kriskassorna, som vid varje förfrågan om uttag riskerar att skapa ilska hos medborgarna, och upprepade lagtekniska hinder i olika länder (läs: Tyskland).

EU-länderna ska skjuta till 200 miljarder euro till IMF.

Ingen exakt siffra har ännu tagits fram för varje enskilt land.

Teresa Küchler. SvD Näringsliv, 9 december 2011

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Nyheter om EMU


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