France Haunts ECB as Lagarde Returns to Sintra


The ECB Forum on Central Banking – the Sintra Forum –

The ECB Forum on Central Banking – the Sintra Forum – is an annual event organised by the European Central Bank and is held in Sintra, Portugal.

It brings together central bank governors, academics, financial market representatives, journalists and others to exchange views on current policy issues and discuss the Forum’s key topic from a longer-term perspective.

ECB 2024

Twenty Years of the ECB’s monetary policy Speech by Mario Draghi

ECB Forum on Central Banking, Sintra, 18 June 2019

Powell “Although policy is restrictive it may not be restrictive enough and it has not been restrictive for long enough,” 

Powell said Wednesday during a panel hosted by the European Central Bank forum in Sintra, Portugal.

When the European Central Bank held its first retreat in the Portuguese hilltop resort of Sintra in 2014, the euro region was experiencing a nervous lull in its debt turmoil following the global financial crisis.

With Brussels already reprimanding France over its big deficits, a confrontation seems ever closer. 

If that ultimately provokes market turmoil, it could be Lagarde’s job to clean up the mess.

Back in 2014, Lagarde couldn’t have imagined that she would end up one day filling the shoes of her host, former ECB President Mario Draghi. 

Bloomberg 1 July 2024

Anyone worried about the fate of democracy should be concerned about Marine Le Pen’s success.

Former Gaullist cabinet minister, EU commissioner Michel Barnier, claims that Macron bears much of the blame for his own predicament, by failing to hear earlier alarm bells about French voters’ disaffection: 

“I regret that this warning has not been listened to... about migration, security, authority of the state, and the respect and development of the poorest parts of the country.”

This outcome reflects a public mood of disgust that afflicts many countries around the world 

RN leader Marine Le Pen is far more extreme than Italy’s rightist prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, whom she is courting.

It is as frightening to many of us to see the RN of Le Pen and Bardella become a force in the mainstream as it is to witness the legitimizing of US Trumpism.

Between 1946 and 1958 governments changed on average every six months, and there were almost two dozen prime ministers.
Charles De Gaulle thereafter introduced a new constitution

The triumph of the RN, a party deemed by the markets to be entirely irresponsible, threatens a financial crisis

It is as frightening to many of us to see the RN of Le Pen and Bardella become a force in the mainstream as it is to witness the legitimizing of US Trumpism.

Max Hastings Bloomberg 1 juli 2024


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