In the perennial tussle between fear and greed, the former has seized the upper hand och Mattias Isakson, Swedbank


Mattias Isakson, chefsstrateg på Swedbank, kallar fallet en naturlig reaktion på att aktierna utvecklats extremt bra under lång tid på grund av en mycket stark vinstutveckling.

– När det kommer lite besvikelse i siffrorna passar investerare på att ta hem en del av vinsten, säger han.

Den kraftiga börsuppgången har fått en del att oroa sig för en AI–bubbla som slutar i en stor börskrasch.

Trots uppgången tror Mattias Isakson tror att Magnificent seven-aktierna har mer att ge.

In the perennial tussle between fear and greed, the former has seized the upper hand 

Assumptions on Fed rate cuts, AI, earnings have been upended

The assumptions that have driven this year’s global financial markets are being rapidly rethought.

Stockholders have suddenly grown skeptical that technology companies’ massive investments in artificial intelligence will pay off any time soon. 

Investors were taken aback this week how much Google parent Alphabet Inc. is spending on the technology, with little to show for it yet in terms of revenue.

The Nasdaq 100 Index has sunk more nearly 9% from its July 10 record, wiping $2.3 trillion off the market value of companies in the benchmark. 

The index is still up 12% this year

“It does seem that an unwinding has begun of popular trades that brought valuations to stupid levels,” Louis-Vincent Gave, chief executive officer of Gavekal Research, wrote in a note to clients.

What Bloomberg’s Strategists are Saying...

“In the perennial tussle between fear and greed, the former has seized the upper hand as a raft of consensus positions have suffered losses this week. It all represents a collective trip to the pain cave, one of those periodic episodes when positioning is just about the only fundamental that matters as investment risk gets reduced across the board.”

— Cameron Crise, macro strategist

Phil Serafino Bloomberg 25 juli 2024


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