Börsen 1 maj 2024


Fed Says Inflation Progress Has Stalled and Extends Wait-and-See Rate Stance

Officials also approved a plan to slow the ongoing reduction of their $7.4 trillion asset portfolio

Nick Timiraos Wall Street Journal 1 May 2024


Om en vecka, den 8 maj, lämnar Riksbanken besked kring den svenska styrräntan. 

Många förväntar sig att den sänks från dagens 4 procent.

USA lämnar styrränta oförändrad

 – Det här är ju naturligtvis inte något som Riksbanken hade velat se, säger Elisabet Kopelman, SEB:s USA-ekonom.

 Hon tror att det dröjer till efter sommaren innan Fed sänker räntan som är den högsta i USA på drygt 20 år.

SvD/TT 1 maj 2024

Central banks can’t hang on forever for the US to start cutting

Dangerously — monetary policy can be like mountaineering. The descent is more hazardous than the climb to the top 

John Authers Bloomberg 1 maj 2024  


The commercial real-estate industry isn’t looking for a bailout, but... Extend and Pretend


The ‘Magnificent Seven’ aren’t seven. Or magnificent.

 We have been here before. Time and again investors have discovered a small group of stocks or investments that supposedly can’t fail. 

During the last tech mania, back in 1999-2000, there were also four. They were called The Four Horsemen. The name comes from the apocalypse, in the Book of Revelation.

Given what happened next, you have to figure Wall Street has a secret sense of irony.

The early 1970s was famous for the “Nifty Fifty” of high-tech growth stocks that couldn’t fail. Like, er, Polaroid, Kodak, Digital Equipment and Xerox.

Brett Arends MarketWatch 30 April 2024


The Only Way to Stop Bank Runs Is to Get Rid of Bank 

Matt Levine Bloomberg 1 maj 2024

US Bond Yields


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Börsen 30 april 2024



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