EU Enabled War in Ukraine?
2008 the West moved to attract Ukraine into its orbit, with the launch of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership and US encouragement for a NATO membership bid.
From this point on, tensions over Ukraine were always likely to mount. But over the next 14 years, the EU and its member states pursued a dangerously confused set of initiatives.
But while the US was providing a dollar swap line for Mexico, the eurozone was unwilling to extend similar assistance to EU members Poland and Hungary, let alone to Ukraine.
Desperate for dollars and euros, Ukraine had no choice but to turn to the International Monetary Fund and austerity.
Russia made Ukraine a strategic offer: $12 billion per year of subsidies and economic benefits if the country abandoned the Association Agreement – or an escalation of sanctions, should Yanukovych sign the pact.
Project Syndicate 28 March 2022
Alliansen, EMU och det Östliga Partnerskapet
Basen utgörs av Det östliga partnerskapet som syftar till att stärka den politiska associeringen och den ekonomiska integrationen av sex partnerländer i Östeuropa och Sydkaukasien: Armenien, Azerbajdzjan, Belarus, Georgien, Moldavien, Ukraina och Armenien.
EU har självfallet ingen säkerhetstjänst. Däremot har vi Europeiska utrikestjänsten.