Oligarkerna, EU och Magna Charta

Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov’s superyacht, the world’s largest by volume, was seized by German authorities in Hamburg, according to Forbes.


EUs beslut om åtgärder av denna typ

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States


Ingen fri man får häktas, fängslas, berövas sina rättigheter eller tillgångar eller dömas till fredlöshet eller landsflykt eller på annat sätt ofredas eller förföljas annat än efter laga dom av sina jämlikar och enligt landets lag.


UK  Ministers discuss plans to take residences off business tycoons without paying compensation

The proposals are likely to require legislation, and government lawyers have concerns the plans would be subject to legal challenges because they would undermine UK property rights. 

No final government decision has been reached on whether to proceed.

FT 2 March 2022

The Fed took an unprecedented as well as illegal action on Russia that constitutes economic warfare and may easily start a currency crisis or something even worse.

What happens to Russian oligarch yachts after they’re seized

Laws vary by country. And the latest round of sanctions, which go further than any other coordinated global round of sanctions on individuals, create new legal questions that have yet to be answered.

Under U.S. law and most laws in Europe, assets that are frozen remain under the ownership of the oligarch, but they can’t be transferred or sold. Sechin and Mordsahov, for instance, will continue to own their yachts, but they will be secured to the docks by the authorities and prevented from sailing to safer shores.

To actually seize and take ownership of an oligarch’s yacht or villa, government prosecutors have to prove the property was part of a crime. 

Under U.S. civil forfeiture law, an asset “used to commit a crime” or that “represents the proceeds of illegal activity” may be seized only with a warrant.


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