Först nu, 14 månader efter Joe Bidens presidentinstallation, bekräftar New York Times att uppgifterna är äkta

Långt ner i en artikel om Hunter Biden framkommer att man tagit del av filerna och fått dem validerade.

Tjugo dagar före valdagen 2020 publicerade New York Post en uppseendeväckande artikel. ”Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad”

Biden var vid tidpunkten ansvarig för USA:s relationer med Ukraina.

Malin Ekman SvD 23 mars 2022


By the way: Did you read The Times’s account of the government’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax and foreign-business affairs? The news here has less to do with Hunter himself and more with the fact that those emails recovered from the discarded laptop were his, despite the best efforts by Twitter and other social media and news media companies to bury or not look closely enough at that fact on the eve of the 2020 election.

It is not clear whether the criminal probe is focused solely on Hunter Biden, or if he is among a group of individuals and companies being scrutinized. Prosecutors have also asked about potential FARA violations by a Washington consulting firm, Blue Star Strategies, that worked for the Ukrainian energy company in an arrangement that Mr. Biden helped broker, according to documents and the people familiar with the investigation.

For President Biden, the long-running case is both politically and personally fraught. Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company, became a flashpoint in his father’s race in 2020 against President Donald J. Trump and helped set off the events that led to Mr. Trump’s first impeachment.


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