John Mearsheimer and the dark origins of realism

I internationella medier läser jag alltid det mesta av ekonomhistorikern Adam Tooze, men just nu är han oundgänglig. Hans text i New Statesman om diskussionen kring den amerikanske professorn John Mearsheimers syn på kriget i Ukraina är obligatorisk läsning.

Karin Pettersson kulturchef Aftonbladet 9 mars 2022

Rage aimed at the eminent international relations scholar reflects liberal frustration over the West's limited power to prevent Russia's war in Ukraine.

Mearsheimer is disarmingly even-handed. The push for Nato expansion in 2008 to include Georgia and Ukraine was a disastrous mistake. 

The overthrow of the Moscow-backed Viktor Yanukovych regime in 2014, a revolution supported by the West, antagonised Russia further. 

The West should accept responsibility for having created a dangerous situation by extending an anti-Soviet alliance into what is left of Russia’s sphere of influence. 

And then comes the inflammatory conclusion: Putin’s violent pushback should not come as a surprise.

Adam Tooze New Statesman 8 March 2022


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