Några citat om Krisen för EMU

- Europe stumbles blindly towards its 1931 moment. Unless the ECB takes fast and dramatic action, it risks destroying the currency it is paid to manage, and allowing a political catastrophe to unfold in Europe, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

- Euro under siege after Portugal hits panic button. 'If the euro fails, then Europe fails,'  warned the German Chancellor Angela Merkel last night, Daily Telegraph

 - It is not an exaggeration to say that there would not be a banking system in Ireland if it weren't for the generosity of the European Central Bank in providing loans to Irish banks  that the markets won't provide, 

Robert Peston, the BBC's business editor

- Det finns de som försöker skylla den aktuella krisen på euron, Peter Wolodarski

- Den som skrapar på ytan upptäcker något helt annat: Det finns egentligen inte någon Eurokris,  

Svenskt Näringslivs chefekonom Stefan Fölster


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