Vad är problemet med Europas ekonomi?


Och, framför allt, vad kan man göra åt det?

Beror lågkonjunkturen i Sverige på EU eller är det hemlagade problem?

Det talas om att Europa håller på att bli ett museum med vackra städer och god mat, men ingen innovation och ingen tillväxt. 

Vad beror det på?


Hubert Fromlet

Anna Stellinger

I juni 2014 utnämndes Stellinger till riddare av franska nationalförtjänstorden (Ordre national du Mérite) enligt beslut av president François Hollande för sina ”enastående bidrag till idéutbytet mellan Frankrike och Sverige samt hennes samhällsengagemang”.

Hollande's presidency was dominated by the rising unemployment rate, the protests against reforms of the Labor code including the El Khomri law and the fight against Islamic Terrorism, mainly against the ISIS.

François Hollande declared in December 2016 that he was not going to run for a second term following low approval ratings.

He was succeeded by former Minister of Economy, Emmanuel Macron.

François Hollande's love affair scooter auctioned off  

The famous vehicle at the center of a love affair between former French president François Hollande and actress Julie Gayet sold for €20,500 at an auction in France on Sunday.

A huge scandal erupted in 2014 when French glossy magazine Closer said Hollande, who then lived with his partner Valérie Trierweiler, routinely hopped on a scooter to spend the night with his 41-year-old mistress, publishing pictures of the three-wheeler.


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