America’s Ambitious Climate Plan Is Faltering


Global emissions are at records, shift away from fossil fuels slows amid surging power demand

Renewable energy is growing faster than expected. But surging demand for power is sucking up much of that additional capacity and forcing utilities to burn fossil fuels, including coal, for longer than expected.

This year is on track to be the hottest on record.

The energy transition gained momentum in recent years as prices for renewable energy tumbled. 

That momentum stalled recently when costs soared, consumers balked and businesses fought against new regulations. 

Politicians stepped back from ambitious climate goals or campaigned against them. A victory by former President Donald Trump in November could make those goals even harder to reach.

Surge in electricity demand.

China accounted for more than a third of all wind and solar output last year and is by far the largest EV market. 

The spread of EVs has slowed in the U.S. and Europe.

A truism about climate policy is that many people and businesses are unwilling to make real sacrifices to address the problem.

Faced with farmers blocking roads and spraying manure, the European Union this year dropped a proposed agricultural-emissions target from its new climate goal and relaxed green regulations in farming subsidies.

Wall Street Journal 23 September 2024


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