US, EU Near Deal $50 Billion Ukraine Aid Using Russian Assets


The G-7 in June agreed in principle to provide Ukraine with the non-refundable loan, which would be repaid using the profits generated by about $280 billion in frozen Russian central bank assets, most of which are held in Europe.

The EU is in the process of adjusting its sanctions on the immobilized assets so they only need to be renewed every 36 months, per the US demand.

The European Commission stressed that the goal was to secure the US participation by amending the sanction regime so that the plan remains a G-7 initiative, according to the people. 

The commission urged member states to complete the sanction reform, which requires unanimity.

When the new mechanism is in place, the EU will cease its current process of using proceeds from the frozen Russian assets to finance military aid to Ukraine.

EU leaders expected to discuss aid plan at an October summit

Bloomberg 26 september 2024

The United States needed assurances that codify the commitments of the Group of 7 leaders, who had agreed that Russia’s sovereign assets would remain immobilized until the war ends 

and until Russia repays Ukraine for the damage it had caused.

New York Times 17 September 2024

Fransk-tyska kriget (fransk-preussiska kriget) var ett krig som utkämpades 1870–1871 mellan å ena sidan Frankrike och å andra sidan det av Preussen ledda Nordtyska förbundet samt Baden, Bayern, Hessen och Württemberg.

Napoleon III:s, men än mer hans närmaste omgivnings, förhoppningar om att genom ett ärorikt krig befästa dynastin och stävja det växande motståndet mot regeringens inrikespolitik.

Kejsar Napoleon rycktes med av den franska nationalstämningen, och den 19 juli 1870 offentliggjordes Frankrikes krigsförklaring mot Preussen.

Kriget avslutades genom Frankfurtfreden den 10 maj 1871. 

Frankrike måste avstå Alsace samt i krigsomkostnader betala 5 miljarder franc. 

Som extra salt i de franska såren utropade det enade Tyskland kejsardömet Tyskland vid en ceremoni i Spegelsalen på slottet i Versailles

“The Economic Consequences of the Peace” 

Keynes, Schumpeter and the Great Post-War Mistake


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