Germany’s Voters don’t long for the fascist past, but...

 ... they’re fed up with the status quo.

The sudden success of the far-left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, launched only in January to ride the same wave of popular discontent that has fueled the AfD’s rise.  

Their dissatisfaction is understandable. Just a decade ago, Germany was in the European vanguard. 

When then-Chancellor Angela Merkel made the monumental (and controversial) decision to welcome almost a million mainly Syrian refugees, her promise that “we’ll manage this” was believable.

The current ruling coalition — an uneasy mix of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s center-left Social Democrats, Finance Minister Christian Lindner’s center-right Free Democrats and Economy Minister Robert Habeck’s Greens — hasn’t proven up to the task. 

Although they’ve laid out plans to revive growth, they can’t even agree on a fiscal policy that would allow for the necessary public investment.

The Editorial Board Bloomberg 5 september 2024

 Sahra Wagenknecht and her new BSW set to play key role in keeping far-right AfD out of power -VW



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