Barnier - Picking a center-right politician hostile to immigration

... after July’s election that saw an alliance of left-wing parties come top will fuel the sense of betrayal among voters who have in the past held their nose and supported Macron to block the far-right from power. 

It’s Marine Le Pen who will feel emboldened: Her own group’s 143 seats will be crucial to helping Barnier’s government survive future confidence votes in France’s divided 577-seat parliament.

if there’s one idea that’s likely to outlast Macron, it’s his plea for a stronger and more influential Europe — even Le Pen has backtracked on her plan to dump the euro.

What Macron really needs is not just a prime minister, but a successor. 

Margaret Thatcher, asked what her greatest achievement was, cited Tony Blair and New Labour — because it proved she had convinced her opponents to change their mind. 

That hasn’t happened in France

Lionel Laurent Bloomberg 5 september 2024



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