The international goal to limit global heating to 1.5° Celsius is officially on life support

A United Nations-backed panel of climate scientists warned in a new report released Monday that the world may be on track to warm by more than 3°C -  twice the Paris Agreement target - in a change that would painfully remake societies and life on the planet. 

Bloomberg 4 April 2022

IPCC: World must halve emissions by 2030 | Environment | All topics from climate change to conservation | DW | 04.04.2022

I rapporten beskrivs prissättning av koldioxid som ett effektivt verktyg. Samtidigt omfattas endast 4 procent av världens utsläpp av ett koldioxidpris på tillräckligt hög nivå.

Den svenska prissättningen ligger högre än den nivå som enligt rapporten är tillräckligt hög. Att Sverige inte behöver höja priset på koldioxid är ett viktigt konstaterande i klimatdiskussionen 

DI ledare 5 april 2022

Are we capable of acting upon the implications? 

That is the biggest question of the 21st century. 

The answer, I fear, is no.

Martin Wolf FT 13 July 2021

There is no way Earth can now avoid a temperature rise of more than 1.5°C

The consequences of the world’s failure to curb emissions are catastrophic, and not just for coral atolls in the Pacific.

 The response to all this should be a dose of realism.

 First, cutting emissions will require much more money. 

The second hard truth is that fossil fuels will not be abandoned overnight

The third truth is that because 1.5°C will be missed, greater efforts must be made to adapt to climate change

Why should poor farmers in Africa, who have done almost nothing to make the climate change, be abandoned to suffer as it does? If the rich world allows global warming to ravage already fragile countries, it will inevitably end up paying a price in food shortages and proliferating refugees.

Editorial The Economist 3 November 2022

We will eventually get to net-zero emissions. Solar and wind energy, as well as storage batteries, keep getting cheaper. 

We just won’t get there in time to prevent ruinous climate change.

Simon Kuper FT 12 November 2020

Det är kört. Så kan man helt kort sammanfatta Jonathan Jeppssons bok  ”Åtta steg mot avgrunden”.


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