We just won’t get there in time to prevent ruinous climate change

I drew the best life available: a white son of university graduates living in northern Europe, the most tranquil region in the most prosperous era in history. 

My children, by contrast, now spend their days masked in a school that’s occasionally guarded by police officers because Paris is a terrorist target. 

This is just a warm-up for their adulthood, when the world’s population will peak at 10 billion, while rising sea waters, heat and hurricanes make many of today’s biggest cities unliveable.

We will eventually get to net-zero emissions. Solar and wind energy, as well as storage batteries, keep getting cheaper. 

We just won’t get there in time to prevent ruinous climate change.

Simon Kuper FT 12 November 2020


Klimatkrisen och vårt framtida liv. 



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