Interest rates are still almost ridiculously low by historical standards

Overall it seems obvious that this house price boom must end — and soon. 

Or not. 

The last time inflation was this high, the base rate was 10 per cent. 

Today, if you have a deposit of 40 per cent or more you can get a 10-year fixed-rate from Halifax at 2.48 per cent. 

Have 25 per cent and the rate goes to 2.58 per cent.

Long-term borrowing at 5.5 percentage points below the rate of inflation? That is as close to free money as you are going to see this year.

House prices to fall? Definitely, but not quite yet.

While values are high, real interest rates are negative, making homes surprisingly affordable.

Merryn Somerset Webb FT 15 April 2022

Min gissning är att  de rörliga boräntorna toppar på 3-3,5 procent. 

Det blir kännbart, men vi överlever. Räntechocken uteblir.

Henrik Mitelman DI 11 april 2022


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