Alexander Hamilton's Constitutional Convention Speech 1787; EU Constitution


In my view, this is the essential text against which we must read the Federalist Papers 

Brad DeLong Jan 17, 2025

Merkel, Macron Hamilton Moment Plans for economic recovery fund would bolster single currency

One precedent they have is Hamilton’s move in 1790 to transfer the revolutionary war debts accrued by the states to the federal government. 

By letting President George Washington levy taxes to repay those obligations and issue treasury securities, Hamilton laid the foundations for the U.S.’s federal system.

NextGenerationEU; Benjamin Dousa

När återhämtningsfonden godkändes öppnades Pandoras ask, och det är nu en svår uppgift för Sveriges regering att försöka stänga den.

Att passivt se på när EU nu drivs i en allt mer protektionistiskt och överstatlig riktning är i längden ohållbart och skadligt.
Benjamin Dousa  SvD 5 februari 2023

The Federalist Papers is a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the collective pseudonym "Publius" to promote the ratification of the Constitution of the United States. 


Alexander Hamilton's speech at the Constitutional Convention on June 18, 1787, was a significant moment. 

He spoke at length, comparing the Virginia and New Jersey Plans, and introduced his own plan for a bicameral legislature with a House elected by the people for three years and a Senate elected by electors to serve for life. 

Hamilton's plan also included a Governor chosen by the people to serve during good behavior, and state governors appointed by the Federal Government. 

This speech had a lasting impact on the direction of the Convention and the development of the U.S. Constitution.

You can find more details about his speech


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