A Chinese artificial-intelligence company has Silicon Valley marveling at how its programmers nearly matched American rivals despite using inferior chips.
Born in 1985, Liang grew up in China’s southeastern province of Guangdong. He went to China’s prestigious Zhejiang University and specialized in machine vision. A few years after graduation, Liang founded High-Flyer with two college friends in 2015.
DeepSeek’s development was led by a Chinese hedge-fund manager, Liang Wenfeng, who has become the face of the country’s AI push. On Jan. 20, Liang met China’s premier and discussed how homegrown companies could narrow the gap with the U.S.
DeepSeek Chief’s Journey From Math Geek to Global Disruptor
Wall Street Journal 28 January 2025
Wall Street Journal 27 January 2025

Under helgen ökade spekulationerna om Deep Seeks senaste produkt, som bedöms vara kostnadseffektiv och driven av enklare chips,
vilket kan resa frågor om amerikanska teknologiföretags, inklusive Nvidia, dominans.
Deep Seeks AI-modell rankas nu högst på Apples App Store Ranking.
Dagens industri 27 januari 2025
DeepSeek-produkten "är djupt problematisk för tesen att de betydande kapitalutgifterna och driftskostnaderna som Silicon Valley har ådragit sig är det lämpligaste sättet att närma sig AI-trenden", säger Nirgunan Tiruchelvam, chef för konsument- och internet på Singapore-baserade Aletheia Capital. .
"Det ifrågasätter de enorma resurser som har ägnats åt AI."
The DeepSeek product “is deeply problematic for the thesis that the significant capital expenditure and operating expenses that Silicon Valley has incurred is the most appropriate way to approach the AI trend,’ said Nirgunan Tiruchelvam, head of consumer and internet at Singapore-based Aletheia Capital.
“It calls into question the massive resources that have been dedicated to AI.”
Bloomberg 27 January 2025
DeepSeek tech sell-off is a reminder of the risks of a concentrated US stock market
There are good reasons why the largest companies are so highly valued. Today’s superstar corporates capture global economies of scale. They manufacture and control valuable intellectual property and have demonstrated the ability to commercialise it
But the most valuable companies of today are rarely the most valuable ones 10 years hence
Superstar tech companies of yesteryear such as Eastman Kodak, Xerox and Lucent have been supplanted by today’s Apple, Amazon and Alphabet.
It is possible that today’s megacaps will be more successful than their forebears in either reinventing and disrupting themselves to stave off challengers, or in stifling competition and capturing government.
But to believe so is to believe that this time will be different.
Toby Nangle Financial Times 27 January 2025
Med knappt en timme Nvidia kvar till börsstängning nådde Nvidias börsvärde drömgränsen 3.000 miljarder dollar,
vilket i dagsläget motsvarar närmare 33.925 miljarder kronor. 5 juni 2024
After $2 Trillion Gain, Nvidia Is Still Irresistible to Many and
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