Superpower Europe: The European Union's Silent Revolution


Är det Super-Mario Draghi till höger?

 “We all know what we have to do, but we don’t know how to get re-elected once we have done it.” So said Jean-Claude Juncker back in 2007 when he was president of the Eurogroup. 

Fast forward to 2025, Europe’s new “Juncker curse” is that its politicians know what they have to do but don’t know how to pay for it. 

 Europe’s unfinished monetary union imposes preventive budgetary discipline on member states. Deficits for strategic investments remain possible, but require country-by-country negotiations with the commission.

Mutualised European debt invested directly from Brussels is a political Rubicon member states still have to cross.

Marc De Vos Financial Times 19 January 2025

The writer is co-chief executive of the Itinera Institute, a Brussels-based think-tank, and the author of ‘Superpower Europe: The European Union’s Silent Revolution’

Superpower Europe: The European Union's Silent Revolution

När återhämtningsfonden godkändes öppnades Pandoras ask, och det är nu en svår uppgift för Sveriges regering att försöka stänga den.

Att passivt se på när EU nu drivs i en allt mer protektionistiskt och överstatlig riktning är i längden ohållbart och skadligt.

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