Lång sikt på aktiemaknaden är typ 20 år

Someone who put $1,000 in the S&P 500 in December 2019—when the first infections occurred in Wuhan, China—and reinvested dividends would have made 6.8% annualized after inflation and had $1,299 by the end of last year. 

That return is bang in line with the annualized return investors have received in the stock market since 1802.

Wharton finance professor Jeremy Siegel set out in his popular book “Stocks for the Long Run.” Hold for long enough, and gains above inflation have been assured—with long enough being a bit under 20 years. 

The idea that when you buy doesn’t matter is obviously wrong, and even more wrong for short periods; buy just before a huge fall, and it can take a really long time just to get back to the average return. 

But much of the rebound in both economy and markets was thanks to massive government deficit spending, which isn’t sustainable. Some of the rest is because stocks are even more highly valued than at the prepandemic peak. 

James Mackintosh 12 January 2024


Fjolåret avslutades med kraftiga kurslyft när marknadsräntorna sjönk. 

Detta har lyft värderingarna på börsen till ett genomsnittligt aktievärde på 16-17 gånger kommande tolv månaders väntade vinster.

SvD/TT 14 januari 2024



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